So I'm a GrokLaw addict, so sue me... NO! Wait a minute! Don't!
Anyway, so I think I have figured out the profit motives behind SCO. Yes, you heard it right! Breaking news! Hold the presses! This is why they sued IBM (but first the original plan):
Plan A- Claim to own Unix
- Sue IBM
- ...
- Win
- Profit!
As we can see in step A-3, the plan needs some fleshing out. But now my secret sources reveal the new revised version:
Plan B- Claim to own Unix
- Sue IBM
- Print stock certificates
- Lose
- Sell certificates on eBay as collectors items
- Profit!
Not only are there no missing steps in this plan, but the profit free from SEC scrutiny since the only thing sold is the defunct certificates.
Brilliant Darl!