Sunday, March 20, 2005

SCO Profit Motives

So I'm a GrokLaw addict, so sue me... NO! Wait a minute! Don't!

Anyway, so I think I have figured out the profit motives behind SCO. Yes, you heard it right! Breaking news! Hold the presses! This is why they sued IBM (but first the original plan):

Plan A
  1. Claim to own Unix
  2. Sue IBM
  3. ...
  4. Win
  5. Profit!

As we can see in step A-3, the plan needs some fleshing out. But now my secret sources reveal the new revised version:

Plan B
  1. Claim to own Unix
  2. Sue IBM
  3. Print stock certificates
  4. Lose
  5. Sell certificates on eBay as collectors items
  6. Profit!

Not only are there no missing steps in this plan, but the profit free from SEC scrutiny since the only thing sold is the defunct certificates.

Brilliant Darl!