Monday, November 28, 2005

Brown to start emergency planning consulting business.

So what possible use could there be for a disaster planning consulting firm headed by a certified disaster?

Think about it this way...

If he didn't have this new job, all that would be left to him would be a book deal for a tell-all best seller...

So... how many ghost writers with book contracts do you think were lined up in front of Brownies house when he was sent back to Washington? 10? 20?

Most of them would have been pure hacks -- and I mean that in the most disrespectful way -- but one or two could have been good enough that it would really hurt just in time for the 2006 elections.

So a few "friends" decide to get together and start a little consulting gig for Mr. Brown.

They generously fund this new business and give him a bit of stock so he has an interest to protect. Then they point out that if he writes a tell-all book, the business will "most likely" go down the drain.

Now, if he had a backbone and some integrity (yes, yes, this is purely hypothetical) he would decline such a deal as it was obviously made just to manipulate him some more, but as we see in the news, there is now a new consulting firm in Washington DC. Just what everybody needed.

Sprinkle lightly with cynicism to taste.

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