Sunday, June 20, 2004

Out of Phase

Some times you just end up being awake at the wrong time. Some times this persists for a longer period. Then you end up in that twilight zone that is "reverse phase".

I think I live there most of the time. The quiet hours of the night are so nice, and I don't mind at all sleeping during the day—except for when it's so warm that the AC can't keep up.

Obviously this is not a very social position, so I do my best to not do it. My son Einar is a day person out of necessity. You don't screw around with the bedtime of a three-almost-four year old without getting swiftly and severely punished. So since I want to spend quality time with him I have to be up during the day.

I just wish there was a way of toggle the phase without so much pain...

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